The European Union is implementing the new customs pre-arrival security and safety program to support effective risk-based customs controls whilst facilitating the free flow of legitimate trade across the EU's external borders.
ICS2 is the new EU information system that (like ICS currently) processes the lodging of Entry Summary Declarations (ENS), security and safety risk analysis, and the control of goods with EU Customs authorities. ICS2 will be available from 03 June 2024 and must be fully implemented by 04 December 2024 for Maritime Carriers.
This will introduce changes to your bookings from GB to EU.
Viasea has prepared for these expected changes and will establish a connection to the EU Shared Trader Interface to submit the declarations. Whereas today, this is governed through National Systems. As we have already adopted robust processes for the current version of ICS where Viasea submits ICS declarations on your behalf based on the information provided in your booking, we are pleased to advise the changes will be comparatively limited.
We reiterate it is at your risk and responsibility, and of paramount importance, that you provide complete and accurate information in your bookings to ensure declarations can be processed in a timely manner and in line with legal requirements to ensure your cargo can be shipped and collected efficiently.
As Viasea already has a bespoke system in operation for the collection of necessary data for ICS declarations, only
minimal changes to the fields in the bookings will be required compared to the situation today:
- Commodity codes will become mandatory for all goods item lines and must be at least 6 digits long. These will be validated against the codes as published under “TARIC and Quota data and information” when making your booking.
- Buyer & Seller Addresses will become mandatory whereas today this is optional if an EORI number is provided
- When the Shipper, Consignee, Buyer or Seller are EU legal entities, then the EU EORI number will be mandatory
- ‘Address’ field will be split into separate fields ‘Street’ and ‘Number’
- ‘Type of Person’ will be added as a mandatory field, you will need to choose between; Natural person, Legal person, Association of persons
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