In order to ensure the best possible user experience, we have implemented cookies on our website. By clicking the “acceptance” button you consent to the use of these cookies, and may continue to navigate around our site. Read more about the use of cookies here.


Thank you for visiting us and showing interest in our services.
We want you to feel secure when you visit the Viasea website, on the web and on your mobile. Please be assured that your personal data is kept safe and secure.

We use cookies to identify users of our website. This helps us register the number of visitors, and gives us statistics and information on how many visitors we have and what they do. We use the statistics to make our website as user-friendly and relevant as possible.

ColliCare Logistics uses these cookies
/tracking cookies from Google Analytics that are sent anonymously to the server:

"__utma" identifies unique visitors. "__utmb" and "__utmc" track user sessions, including telling us how long the visit lasts.

"___utmz" identifies where the traffic to the site comes from.  The information is stored for two years in the case of ___utma, 30 minutes in the case of ___utmb, until the browser closes in the case of __utmc, and for six months in the case of __utmz.

For more information, see the Google website.

What are cookies?

  • A cookie/information tracker is a file that is used to store information. Once you are on a website and you have agreed to the use of cookies, this file is stored on your device and collects information about your actions and the number of visits to that website
  • A cookie belongs to a particular website and cannot be read by other sites
  • A cookie typically stores "ID keys" that make it possible to store user preferences or remember a user who has previously visited the site
  • Cookies can also be third-party cookies, usually on sites that have advertising - ColliCare Logistics’ websites do not have third-party cookies

How can I opt out of using cookies?

You can opt out of the use of cookies in the security settings of your browser. 

The following are examples from some popular web browsers: